I cleared the cache again, deleted the CC file entirely, no luck. I found the CC file in question and removed it from the mods folder, cleared the cache, opened the game.
I wondered if it might have been tagged as male, but it didn't show up even with all filters removed.
It doesn't show up at all, and when I strip everything from every category including hair, it persists. It didn't fit her frame though (her chest has odd splotches where a suggestion of male nips would go etc) and has started to glitch occasionally, so I thought I'd just remove it in CAS. Upon closer inspection it seemed like she'd been generated with an older CC male skin overlay and I just hadn't noticed at the time. I noticed recently that one of my female sims had something strange going on with her skin. Hi, I made an account just to see if anyone here has experienced a similar issue or has any ideas what is causing it.